Friday, October 7, 2011

Just some random to get us started

My first post should really tell you something about me. If it doesn’t, you may want to have another read.

So my six year old daughter wanted to buy a Harry Potter DS game today. The Deathly Hallows or something like that (can you tell I’m not a fan) and I ummed and ahhed and even rang Doug (who was no help at all saying it was up to me) so I said no. Crushed six year old. It took her all of ten minutes and a trip to another DS game selling shop and she got over it pretty quick. Anyway, here’s where the dilemma comes in. She ended up with a game kind of like Bejewelled on Facebook which is great for her since now she can stop asking to play on my Facebook page but bad for me. I kind of forgot that I’m a Tetris whore from way back. It started when I won a Gameboy in the Paddle pop lick a stick prize thingo when I was about thirteen. Then I discovered the Tetris game and became quite addicted. I love the game so much that sixteen years later I still have the Gameboy and the game. Anyway, because I lack the proper will power to put the game down, I just lost half the night. I could have been cleaning, finishing the summer dress I started for said six year old, starting the dress I said I’d make for my four year old, cleaning, washing, sleeping, writing, reading, the list is endless.

The moral of this story is not to work on the will power but to think about the consequences of my actions. I would have lost less time if I’d have let her get the HP game in the first place and have nightmares. They only take a few minutes in the middle of the night rather than three hours out of my evening... Mother of the Year award will be knocking my door down any minute. Or CPS =)


  1. Since I'm that kind of person, I'm going to post a comment on my own blog. Could I have dropped any more names of products? Hopefully they all have Google alerts =)

  2. LOL, Bronwyn re your own comment.

    As for games - I too lurrrv Tetris. It is the game I play to wind down before going to bed. And yes, it can dwindle the night away if you're not careful.
